Wednesday, November 09, 2005

I found my source of motivation!

Yesterday, while communicating back and forth via email with Tracy Jeffries, I expressed to her that I was a little bit at a “lost” the past few weeks, trying to find goals and sources of motivation to keep from falling in the ‘runt’. You see, within the next couple of months, my life will take a drastic turn! We are going to try for a second child…I’m not really ready to get started again but my daughter is already 2 ½ years old and I want her to have a sister (hopefully) or a brother (that she can torture *lol*, I’m KIDDING) without having too big of an age gap. I’m an only child, and the past couple of months, I’ve been feeling very lonely since I have no one (near by) to really talk too aside from my husband. I have no family/no friends that live near by me. So many of us have someone that we talk to on a daily basis, to talk or goof around…I don’t have that…Don’t get me wrong, I like to talk to my husband, but I miss that “girl to girl” talk. I miss going out shopping, I don’t like going alone and I certainly don’t like going with my husband since I always feel “rushed”. Well, I’ll admit, I don’t buy/shop much anyway (we are in chronic broke/dust in our pockets mode *LOL*), but window shopping and dream shopping can be fun right? *LOL* Anyway, with this being said, I’m sort of hoping that things will be different for my daughter, that perhaps her sibling(s) will be her closest friend(s).. I don’t know how that’s like but I’m sure it’s better then feeling alone, knowing that you’ll never have a niece or nephew to spoil *lol*. Also, I want to be surrounded by lots of people when I grow old. When I think about the present, I could be selfish and say, “No kids yet”, but I cannot do that for the sake of our daughter. I do have a small concern though, I don’t want for my daughter to feel like I love someone else more then I love her! I know the thought will cross her mind someday, only because it’s our nature to second guess our parents love for us when there are other siblings involved, but I can’t see how it would be possible to love one more then the other(s)… I may love them for different reasons/qualities but I can’t see how I would prefer one over the other? Anyway, that’s a concern, a fear if you want to call it that, I don’t want her to feel like she’s “second best”.

Now, let’s talk about my “source” of motivation! Since my “big” plan is to get pregnant, I have decided that I will document my pregnancy and how I was able to maintain a healthy lifestyle through Body-for-Life. I will also work on a cook book, this project will take me several months to complete as it’s time consuming! I’m aiming to add 5 recipes a day in my cook book, and with this being said; it will take a minimum of 2 months to have 300 + recipes on hand. I will taste-test most of the recipes but not all, I would definitely look like a blimp if I did that! *LOL* Also, my third project is to create a website of which will list many transformations (before/after) pictures, essay’s, contests, etc….this will take me probably a good 3 months to put together as well, but may be longer depending on how $$ I can invest towards it..perhaps if I speed up my cookbook project, I’ll be able to sell a few and that money be used towards my motivational website.

Well anyway, these are my big plans for the future….some of you may think that I’m getting way ahead of myself but, I honestly think that in order to make a achieve a goal, you have to “set” yourself up for it and MAKE IT HAPPEN! :) You don’t beat around the bush and you don’t second doubt yourself, you just set small goals, do it one day at a time and eventually, you’ll get to the end looking back and say “I DID IT!” :-) and that’s what it’s all about folks!


Blogger KatieFeldmom said...

Sounds like you are going to be busybusybusy.

Congrats on your success and Best Wishes for the future.

12:52 PM  
Blogger Stef said...

Carole~ I know you can do it...all of it! Your head is on straight and I totally admire your determination to accomplish things!

I only have one "best" girfriend. We talk almost daily, but our lives are different and we live about a half hour away from each other. My "blends" mean so much to me and I wish I had you all here with me all the time! We would have soooo much fun together! That would be awesome!

Wishing you success in all of your endeavors!

Stef :-)

1:37 PM  
Blogger Rachel said...

OMG, Carole! Your focus and determination are MIND BLOWING! You can achieve whatever you set out to do. As Tracy J. always says, “DREAM BIG!” ;-D

3:36 PM  
Blogger K. Marie said...

I was wondering whether you were going to write a cookbook! I admit, I haven't tried your recipes because I'm a big bum in the kitchen, but I do read them and drool every time!

I only have one child and was mostly an only myself (half-brother who is 15 years my junior), but when I had Ally, one of my co-workers told me that she loved her first child so much she feared having another because she didn't think her heart could love another child as much as the first.

It's an unfounded fear, she discovered. A parent's heart knows no limits.

:-) K

5:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carole, I think you are making the right decision for having another kid now. I whish I could have been able to offer my son a brother or sister, but I get pregnant at 34 and and than when you get older thinking having another kids around 37 or 38, it is not the same story. I wish sometimes that I wouldn't have wait and I would have get pregnant right after Phil. So you are doing the right thing. 2 1/2 year's differences is perfect. The more you wait, it's tougher getting back into the reality of diapers and everything but you are young and have plenty of times to have another kid. But while you are still in it, I think it is the best time to have another one. With all your knowledge know, I'm sure you'll be able to maintain a good shape even being pregnant.

On another note, thanks for your great recipes and keep giving us some ideas. I will try some of them for sure. Your book is going to be awesome only by what you have given us. Keep feeding us.


6:07 PM  
Blogger Janel said...

I had the same fear about loving my 2nd child as much... Its SO different than you think. Its really so true that the more you share your love, the more you have to share. Not only do I love my second just as much, but each of the ohers that followed as well. Its totally unexplainable, but true! And I do love them all differently, since they are so unique.

I think all of your new projects are FAB!!!! I can't wait to see your awesome cookbook and website!!

7:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your recipes are awesome, I know your cookbook will be a great success!!

My kids are 7 years apart, it took me 7 years to get the nerve up again to have another one. I never thought about loving a second child differently and I really do love them both the same. I can't believe how different personalities can be. Of course I always have to be careful when I tell my daughter she is beautiful, my son needs a compliment too...yes, an 11 year old sixth grader wants to be told he's handsome.

My sister and I are 4 years apart and we fought like cats and dogs. But I am like you, I don't have a close girlfriend (too much moving around) and the only two people in my life I can really talk to are my sister and my husband.

I think the tides turning though, I feel I will have more people around me in the near future.

Good luck Carole!!

8:20 PM  
Blogger Amy said...

great ideas and plans.
I know you will succeed!!!

9:48 PM  
Blogger Christie said...

Carole, you never cease to amaze me girl...I know all your goals and dreams will come true...

11:14 PM  

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