Last Friday’s Doctor’s Visit
Went to see the doctor on Friday afternoon last week and he told me I was about 50% effaced, a fingertip dilated and that the baby was very “low” at approximately +1 station. He said that he doubted that I would make it to my due date (August 20th). I’ve been having some cramps on a daily basis now but they mostly come in the middle of the night, when I’m trying to sleep. My husband and I have a bet going ($50.00), where he thinks I’ll be going to labor before August 10th…and I told him it was going to be after. My thinking is that it may be this weekend or earlier next week…we’ll see! As per the statistics, 95% of babies are born within 2 weeks of their due date (before and after). Either way, she’s coming soon!
Anybody ever tried castor oil? I wouldn’t even try it but always wondered if someone tried it and what it did to them? I hear it works ONLY if you are “ready” but that it can also be quite risky if your not. My husband may try to talk me into taking it this weekend, if my doctor’s visit goes well HA! Just a little feeling I’m getting… he’s more anxious then I am.
Anyway, that’s my doctor’s update, no baby yet …
Thank you for your words of encouragement in your comment on my blog.
As for castor oil - yes, I have tried it and yes, it worked for me. I had been on bed rest for 4 months and when I reached 37 weeks and the doctor said I could stop taking my meds to prevent it - of course, nothing happened. I was miserable and ready to get it over with so I did it. A big ole spoonful chased with pepsi and about 2 to 3 hours later I was having consistent contractions and a baby came within 12 hours. If you are past 37 weeks and the baby is safe (where lungs are concerned) the only thing that will happen if it doesn't put you in labor is clean you out! :) But I did use it (with 2 of mine)!
Good luck!
Susan in NC
Oh how exciting! She's almost here!!
I have no idea about castor oil, but good luck!!
Both my girls were late, but I was never desperate enough to take castor oil, I wanted to puke at the thought!
Hang in there, the second one is much smoother cuz the body already knows what to do, my little one came flying out!!
Good luck to ya, I am so excited!!!
Hope all is well.
Waiting, waiting, waiting......
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