Friday, August 18, 2006

No Baby Yet!

Went to see to the doctor yesterday for my weekly visit, no real changes since last week (or the week before for that matter). I’m still 50% effaced and 2 cm dilated. My due date is August 20th, but I honestly think that I’ll surpass that due date by at least a week; they determined my due date via ultrasound and since I’ve measured smaller for the past several weeks, they may be off by a week or so. My belly yesterday was measuring at about 38 ½ weeks. They did another ultrasound yesterday to ensure that the baby wasn’t in a breach position; he had difficulty telling if the baby was head down due to having a hard time picking up the heartbeat, you could hear it but just not loud enough to say “it’s definitely coming from here”. They say that if they hear the heartbeat above your belly button, the baby is more then likely in a breach position…well, she’s heads down, so, no scheduled C-section for me! OUF!

Anyway, my mother is arriving tonight, which is GREAT! I was so worried about going into labor before she got here, I really wanted for her to go through the entire birth experience this time around. I’m hoping she will be there to see everything; I’ll leave it up to her. As for my 3 year old daughter, I’m undecided if she will be in the room or not at the time of delivery, it all depends on how she/I react and I don’t want to traumatize her. I know someday this question will arise “Mommy, how did Katherine come out?” *lol* Oooooooh, the hard questions that I will have to answer someday! I want to be truthful and honest but there’s a proper way of answering a child’s curiosity questions, especially when it comes to “how” babies are made, etc. How awkward!

Hopefully, I’ll have this baby over the weekend? It would be nice but I seriously doubt it, just a feeling I got. If by my next appointment, I haven’t gone to labor, my doctor will talk to me about “inducing”…not sure if I’m willing to do that, to me, that’s unnecessary intervention, especially if there’s nothing wrong with the mom and the baby? It may just be that they have my due date wrong? Anyway, anything that increases my risks of having a C-section is OUT of the question, so, no “castor oil” for me *lol*…I’m going to wait and let nature takes it course, isn’t it more exciting that way anyway? Hell, I didn’t want to find out the sex of this baby but my husband insisted, I think he doesn’t like “not knowing”, that’s why he’s so “stuck” on this due date and driving me nuts!!!!!!! He’s sooooooooooooooooo overly anxious to see this baby, it’s unreal, and he checks on me at least 2 or 3 times a day at work… I keep telling him, “You’ll be the 1st one to know if anything happens!” Some people think it’s very sweet that he’s so anxious, but the “sweet” part is starting to wear off and getting to be quite annoying.

Well enough ramping and raving for now… I’ll definitely keep you all updated about the baby.

Oh, here are a few pictures of the baby shower they had for me at work. I’ve never had a family baby shower on my parents’ side since I’m just simply too far away from everybody.


Blogger K. Marie said...

Thanks for the update! Did you see Karla had her baby last Saturday?

8:09 PM  
Blogger Stef said...

Anxiously waiting on your new arrival! I'll keep checking back!

=) are beautiful as ever!

9:05 PM  
Blogger Just a lonely girl said...

You look wonderful! How sweet of your co-workers to have a shower for you!

Can't wait until you let us know your new bundle has arrived!


11:36 AM  
Blogger Alex Trenoweth said...

Can't wait to hear the news! Very best of luck!

Love Pers

8:51 AM  
Blogger KatieFeldmom said...

Thanks for the update.
You look amazing.

I think it's great that you are considering having your daughter in the room. It's such an awesome experience.

4:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those pictures are very flattering. I think that you look even better since July. Best of luck for a quick, easy labor.

2:16 PM  
Blogger Melanie said...

Silly Blogger...I'm so not anonymous

2:17 PM  

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