Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Thank you for all the wonderful emails wishing me Happy Birthday (December 28th), it was very nice! My husband however forgot all about it, I had to remind him *LOL*, I didn't even get a card! *LOL* hahaha...the joy of having a birthday after Christmas... it really doesn't bother me anymore, it's sorta expect "not" getting anything on my birthday *LOL*.

So, I asked what everyone was doing as New Year resolution, so, here's mine:

1. Getting Out of Debt following the Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University.

2. Make $500 to $1000 a month with my home-based business.

3. Save $75.00 a month for Christmas Fund

4. Save $75.00 a month for "Vacation" Fund

5. Also.... get back into a workout routine :-)