Welcome Katherine Elizabeth Ingram
Just wanted to announce the birth of my daughter, Katherine.
Born: August 20th, 2006
Time: 10:35 pm
Weight and Heigh: 7 lbs 12 oz , 21"
I started having contractions around 4:30 pm Sunday afternoon, after several hours of shopping and walking around. My contractions were approximately 12 minutes apart, at around 6:30 pm, they were anywhere between 5 to 8 minutes apart, I then decided to take a warm bath to help me relax and prepare for the birth. By 7:30 pm, they were 3 to 5 minutes apart. I then prompted my husband to start getting ready to head out to the hospital as they were getting closer quickly. We were on the road by 7:45 pm and by 8:15 pm, my contractions were 2 minutes apart...there was no doubt in my mind that I was now in active labor. We checked in the hospital by 8:45 pm and I was in the delivery room at about 9:10 pm... they then checked me and I was already at 7 cm. The nurse then coaxed me into going without the epidural...I was all for it but then the doctor came in, checked me again and asked me if I wanted the epidural BEFORE proceeding with breaking my water... at that point, I was still coping witht he pain very nicely and said No. Well, I quickly changed my mind when she broke my water... I was already at 8 cm ... Doc ordered the epidural but they barely got to me on time, at this point, they were not suppose to give it to me but she was able to talk him into it! THANK GOD! It didn't take the pain completely away but it certainly took the edge off. The urge to push came quickly after the epidural... I only had to push 10 minutes and she was out!
Thje birth of my first child was 10 1/2 hours long (water broke), this one was only 5 from the time of my first contraction. What is very interesting is that both of them were born on their due date! They say only 5% of women actually give birth on their due date but to do it twice in a row is practically unheard of, I felt like I won the lottery ! *LOL*