Day 37 - Wow, I'm tired !
Today, I’ll be honest, I’m exhausted and moody. I’m starting to feel like “crap”, but I was told that it was going to get this way. It’s not going to get easier; it’ll probably get very hard during the last four weeks! Hard training, dieting, posing, frustrations, people, etc…some days, I might start feeling like I’m in over my head and want to start screaming. What keeps me going? Goals and support from my BFL Buddies/Friends/Family/Co-Workers, etc! The drive and desire to reach my goals and dreams! I can’t emphasize it enough, to ANYONE that wants to start a challenge (of any sort!), you MUST write down your goals…they are your guide to your success. Make them challenging but also make them achievable. In the beginning, it might be hard to write down goals because you are unsure of your true potential. For example, you might want to be able to run 2 miles under 16 minutes, but you barely can run 1 minute without having to stop and take a breather… Ok, well, still keep the 2 miles under 16 minutes goal, but write down smaller achievable goals along the way that will bring you to your ultimate true goal, which is to run those 2 miles! Small goals lead you to your bigger goals and give you motivation and self-confidence to reach your highest potential! Make sense? Look around you, take a good look at those that have reached and succeeded where a normal person wouldn’t and ask them what they have done to get where they are at…most of them will tell you, they had a road map, which consisted of GOALS!
Be consistent, don’t give up, and when you feel like giving up, reach REAL down inside of you and ask the question “What do you want the most?” …chocolate or chicken? Trust me, somedays, it would be so much more easier to reach for that chocolate..but I simply don’t! The next day, I pat myself on the back and say, “Job well done Carole for such a great day yesterday, now, try do the same today, if not better! You can do it!”